About ChainArQ

We are a dedicated team, based in the EU and the United States, passionate about revolutionizing the cryptocurrency industry through our cutting-edge cross-chain solutions. With extensive experience in blockchain technology and a deep understanding of the challenges faced by crypto enthusiasts, we have come together to develop a seamless and secure platform that allows users to swap their digital assets across different blockchain networks.

Our mission is to provide a user-friendly and efficient experience for crypto traders and investors seeking to diversify their portfolios and maximize their opportunities. We are committed to bridging the gap between various blockchain ecosystems, enabling users to seamlessly exchange cryptocurrencies while maintaining control over their assets. Through our innovative technology and a commitment to security and transparency, we aim to empower individuals to navigate the complex world of crypto swaps with confidence and ease.

How it works

Dex Aggregator - Swap More Tokens

Not only do we give you the best trading options across multiple blockchains, by connecting directly to multiple dexes we are able to offer same chain AND cross-chain access to newly launched tokens even if they haven't been indexed by the commonly used aggregation protocols like 1inch.

Bridge Aggregator

We query an evergrowing list of bridges whenever a user wants to move from one blockchain to another to ensure that you get the best price, fastest swap time and most importantly, the safest route to get your money on the other side.

Swap any pair of tokens

We buit this cross-chain crypto swap to break down the barriers between blockchains. There are opportunities everywhere in DeFi and by taking care of the complexity of bridging and by selecting the right dexes we can make swapping tokens across chains a simple, one-click task

NFTs and Ordinals

We collect all the best NFT and Ordinal collections under one roof by querying multiple marketplaces and make it easy for you to buy your favourite NFT or Ordinal using any token from any chain

Earn Rewards

Help us grow! Every little bit helps! You can choose to become an affiliate and earn money whenever someone uses our services when using your personal referral link


We believe that lowering the barrier to entry in DeFi is essential to encourage mass adoption. As this space continues to grow we want to position ourselves as a one-stop platform for anyone wishing to enter the crypto space


Our goal is the build the only Dapp that you will ever need to bookmark to function in the DeFi space.


The first steps to achieve our goals are to connect as many blockchains, bridges, dexes and NFT marketplaces as possible. We will then release a cross-chain Launchpad for new projects followed by our very own On/Off ramp service

Cross-Chain Crypto Swap

The first of many products that we will be releasing, our Cross-Chain crypto swap is the ideal solution for anyone who wants to buy or sell tokens without having to worry about what chain they’re on


Please review the FAQs for the most commonly asked questions about our Cross-Chain Crypto Swap and connected services. If you can’t find the answer here, please reach out to us by opening a ticket on discord

We currently support On-Chain and Cross-chain swaps on and between the following: Binance Smart Chain, Polygon, Fantom and Avalanche

The next chains to be added will be Arbitrum, Optimism and Ethereum.

For same chain transactions there is NO minimum swap amount. For Cross-chain swaps the minimum values are dependant on the bridge options available for the specific transaction you are making

For now we support MetaMask and WalletConnect. We will be adding different wallets in the future.

ChainArQ is not a bridge. Our service works by aggregating information from different dexes, bridges and other third-party services to give you the quickest and most profitable route to execute your transaction. Most people who lose money on bridges when an exploit is used are liquidity providers, not those passing through.

Yes, your funds are safe! If your slippage wasn't high enough and the price changed significantly in the middle of the transaction, the swap may fail as it does on any normal dex. In case of a cross-chain swap you will be able to access your Transaction History panel and recover your funds with the click of a button.